
Church Parking Lot

The Details

The Challenge

The RCCG Mt. Zion Parrish Church located in Lake City, GA parking lot was in dire need of repair. Signs of cracks, weeds growing in multiple areas, and several spots of failure in the asphalt were evident. A full cleanup, resurfacing of asphalt, and the striping of the parking lot needed to be redone as well. We had our work cut out for us, and RAS was up for the challenge.

The Solution

The finished product of a fully resurfaced parking lot, striping, milling, and clean-up was a world-class finished product. Our client was pleased with the results.  

Square Feet


Day Turnaround

Amazing Result

Our Values Make A Difference


Integrity is our number one value


Fully transparent bids and quotes


Attention on jobsite from owner


Our contract is a relationship


The Results Were Amazing

  • Resurfaced Parking Lot 100% 100%
  • Refreshed Striping 100% 100%
  • Cleanup of Parking Lot 100% 100%
  • Increased Parking Area 60% 60%

We were very impressed with how well this project went. We absolutely recommend this company to others!

Project Owner


A Visual Glimpse Of The Project

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