Answers Your Questions

Planning a project is a huge task, and it often can be overwhelming. If you have questions about a project, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our team is happy to offer a free consultation to answer all your paving, asphalt, and sealcoating services questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can asphalt be repaired?

Yes, asphalt is the easiest paving surface to repair. There are many repair and maintenance options a RAS team member can discuss with you.

How long before I can walk or drive on newly installed asphalt?

Most projects allow you to start using your new asphalt driveway, road, or parking lot within 24 hours of completing a project.

What is the best way to maintain my new asphalt?

A proper routine of seal coating, inspections, and repairs of any cracks when they first occur is the best methodology. 

How long would an installation of new asphalt take?

Contact us today with details of what your needs are! RAS Asphalt is ready to accommodate your project!

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